Broadhaven or Bust

An early start with us slipping our mooring at 6a.m. in fine spirit and singing our hearts out, joyous to be at sea once more.  The joy was short passing through the sound we struck bottom.  We had been advised locally that there was sufficient water...what was charted at 10ft was less that 6ft and the consequence chastened us considerably.  About turn and a more laborious long way round saw us on our way.  The American boat that had been moored alongside us had promised to depart for Frenchport, but there was no sign of life.  We were alone on the Atlantic and the mood was lifting again.  Soon we were singing again as we moved up the west coast.b
Our destination Broadhaven and our jump off for crossing the huge Donegal bay the next day.  On arrival we anchored next to the lifeboat.  A local fishermen offered us a lift to the local shop...but as it was a 20k round trip and all we wanted were Soleros we thought it best not to accept.  Anchor alarm set we hit our bunks with great enthusiasm...but a 2.30am false alarm had the skipper on deck...the fault was his own.  He'd set the distance limit too tight.  His appreciative crew were gentle on him..despite the 5a.m. alarm set for the morning.


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