Off Again
But we're off again. The Skipper (myself) headed down on to Arklow on Wednesday evening and managed to squeeze in a haircut in the barbers quarter ...sample the temptations of the forbidden aisle in Dunnes Stores (territory forbidden by our quartermaster on account of its more expensive though 'fresh' scones) and generally make things shipshape for the crews arrival on the Friday. They duly arrived with, barely containable excitement at the prospect of another night in lovely Arklow. It was indeed a evening full of revelries and jollity rounded off by a game of 25 a cup of tea and we were safe in our bunks by 10.00 pm
A Danish boat left just ahead of us at 7.30 headed for Kilmore Quay and on across Biscay to the Canaries....but we had greater adventures in store...we'd got wind there was a brand new TurboJet90 hand dryer in the Dunmore East shower block...our anticipation of closer inspection was unprecedented....sod the Canaries...Dunmore East is the happenin place
Full of enthusiasm and medication we headed out to our first cardinal marker the southward bound we were for exotic county Waterford!
In truth the day was poor sailing weather and challenging in parts. Rounding the Tuskar light proved to be a roller coaster with steep and confused swells of 10' to 14' inviting Maladie de la mer upon the saltiest of sea dogs....indeed one of our number succumbed .....or was it maladie imaginaire that invited the opportunity for a cosy bunk rather than the roaring billows of the coffin coast. Whatever the cause we were left with two able bodied souls on board...but we were made of stern stuff and braved the perils of the briney to bring our trusty ship safe to Dunmore !
Passing the Saltee Islands our Skipper gave rendition to a little known old sea shanty from these parts giving the history of a unique breed of canine from hereabouts that swam competently and were preserved in brine by the islanders for sustenance in the stormy winter months. Thus originated the now much misunderstood term 'saltee sea dog'
Our weary bones were rested at last in the pleasant and hospitable town of Dunmore East, where the natives are friendly and the hand dryers above average!!!
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