So our Sunday in Ardglass seemed to sail by if you'll pardon the expression. Mark and I kind of pottered until Kevin Og picked us up and took us on the scenic route via Downpatrick to Strangford for Sunday dinner. We managed to pick up a few bits and pieces enroute and after dining in style were delivered safely back to the trusty Goose laden with goodies from the best shop on Strangford Square (Kevin Og's)This was just In time for our third core crew member Neil. Unfortunately the hangdog look Neil greeted us with heralded a tale of revelry followed by ambulances, hospitals and sleepless nights...must have been something he ate? Anyway Joanna and Miriam who delivered him to us gave no quarter and were clearly delighted to see him pressganged for his minor yet dramatic transgression. They wished us a fond farewell and headed for home leaving us to get on with things.
So Goose, with her core compliment of crew departed Ardglass at ten to nine that evening ....our next port of call Dunlaoghaire
There was practically no wind so we motored a few miles off shore Then altered course to 200degrees for Howth head and settled into our routine for the night but not before a little zephyr gave us cause for optimism and a raised mainsail. It was a steady yet pleasant motor sail through the night with two crew on watch every hour while the third got some rest.
At 4.00am a large school of dolphins joined us and played about us for a full twenty minutes, lifting our spirits just as the sun was rising. Rockabill light was abeam by 5.00am and we were berthed in Dunlaoghaire by 8.15 and managed a few hours sleep before being joined by Diarmuid Og for the run to Arklow. Diarmuid is a renowned sailor though his career has been dogged by engine problems in the past. This proved to be no hinderance on this occasion and in the absence of any wind we motored out of port and through Dalkey sound with Diarmuid Og on helm. The lack of wind proved persistent and in calm and pleasant conditions we motored all the way to Arklow arriving at 5.30pm. After a hearty meal Diarmuid Og headed off to catch a boat home and all was well on the good ship Goose
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