Lovely Arklow

So, I should point out to all that the recent blog posts, of a more nautical bent than my initial ramblings, were penned by our illustrious skipper, a certain Diarmuid Kearney. When it comes to the more technical elements of the trip, I fell it will be he (or at worst Mark, relatively competent at sea), rather than myself, who shall be keeping you informed. However, should the need arise for a post concerning the number of days one can squeeze out of a single pair of boxer shorts without submitting to scurvy  (touch and go) or how best to cause strife and tension in a small group, then I'm your man!
To date it has been hard to find time to get these posts up. The days sort of run away with you and come the evening we're all somewhat bushed. The vision our audience has of our time is I fear somewhat rosy-cheeked. This is no pleasure cruise! And you all know that I am not one to complain!
However, we have some time today as after an initial wee sojourn out from Arklow yesterday with a view to "getting round the corner" (Cap'n D will provide the correct terminology and reasoning anon), discretion won the day. There was the likelihood of heavier going a couple of hours ahead when we would have been straight into the wind with "wind against tide" (I have picked up something along the way ..... other than the scurvy), so we headed back for the safe arms of the belles of Arklow.
Till the next time, your trusty deckhand,


  1. The pic was merely to annoy our skipper. Should have labelled it "Flegs - both of them"! And remember, the smaller looking one might just be very far away ........


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